Brins Mesa Loop (with 7 Sacred Pools): Coconino National Forest, Sedona, AZ ❤️❤️ Click for the latest Sedona weather forecast.

7 Sacred Pools

7 Sacred Pools

4/02/2021: We started at about 7:25 to beat the heat and the crowds. We succeeded on the heat, but it was crowded nearly from the get-go. The hike up to Soldier Cave is steep (and rather difficult to find the cutoff point), which makes the hike more moderate than easy. Many people miss the cutoff for Soldier Cave. Keep an eye out for a small path and a wilderness sign. That is your trail if you want to do the out and back to Soldier Cave.

The 7 Sacred Pools are pretty and unique. But there were so many people on the trail, that it made it less enjoyable than it could be. Get there at daybreak would be my advice. Hiking clockwise, there is a small mesa about 4 miles into the hike. Take one of the small trails off the main trail and climb the mesa for a beautiful 360 view. See the map, “Small Mesa for a 360 view.”

Here is the complete Sedona Adventure Trip Report.

Beautiful Views

Beautiful Views

Marg’s Notes: Soldier Loop, 7 sacred pools, Soldier Cave. 6.5 miles. 3 hours & 15 minutes. Hit the trail early again, 7:15. Rod cleverly [she called me “clever” 😊] found an alternate trailhead down a dirt road! Still crowded but plenty of parking early. Went clockwise today. More beautiful views. Found trail to the cave easily. Not too hard a climb. Beautiful. More great pics! Climbed a small mesa on the way back around. It was very crowded at the Soldier trailhead! Reached it ~8 a.m. when parking lot opened.

Lasagna & salad / pack.